Artsmark - bringing learning to life through arts and culture

School Captain: OM


The Annex School - Pembroke House


About Us


The Annex School is a small day school, providing a nurturing environment for young people aged 8-16 years. Situated on the same grounds as Pembroke Care Home, we work in close collaboration with the care home staff to provide wrap around support. The school offers a broad and balanced adapted curriculum with an emphasis placed on vocational, kinaesthetic teaching and social and emotional learning. Student timetables are personalised to support individual needs, interests and deliver age-appropriate learning. Helping to enable the school’s priorities, each student's individual learning needs are overseen by the school's SENCo.  

The Annex School prioritises: 

  • Providing students with a structured, consistent routine with well-defined boundaries. 
  • Setting high expectations, aspirations and a ‘can do’ culture. 
  • Fostering positive relationships with teachers and teaching assistants. 
  • Development in all aspects including academic, social, emotional, independence and life skills to be the best they can be. 
  • Supporting students to feel confident, happy and secure in themselves, their relationships and their learning. 
  • Providing a safe, secure environment in which students feel heard and valued.  
  • To encourage the ‘fun’ dimensions of learning via the 'Every Child Matters' ethos - to 'Enjoy & Achieve'. 
  • Maintaining open communication and strong links between school staff, key workers, social workers and parents/carers  


The Annex School provides education for students who reside at Pembroke House Care Home and has a maximum capacity of 6 students. For further information regarding referral’s, please visit 

The Annex School - Butterfly House