The Annex School - Butterfly House
Artsmark - bringing learning to life through arts and culture

School Captain: OM


The Annex School - Pembroke House




School Curriculum

Subjects this year include:

  • English- KS3 to Functional Skills qualifications
  • Maths - KS3 to Functional Skills qualifications
  • Science - KS3 to Functional Skills qualifications
  • Artsmark (Art and Music) Bronze, Silver Award
  • ASDAN Award Programme: Bronze, Silver, Gold
  • Computing/IT
  • Citizenship and Cultural Studies
  • PE- including gym sessions, rock climbing, badminton, table tennis and water sports
  • Literacy/BKSB

The Annex School is a small day school, providing an individualised nurturing environment for young people aged 8-16 years. Situated on the same grounds as Pembroke Care Home, we work in close collaboration with the care home staff to provide wrap around support. The school offers a broad and balanced adapted curriculum with an emphasis placed on vocational, kinaesthetic teaching and social and emotional learning. Student timetables are personalised to support individual needs, interests and deliver age-appropriate learning.

​Listen to 7 of the latest tracks from the hotbed of musical talent flourishing at The Annex School: Annex Sessions